About Us

To Request an Appointment

Contact us at

Clearwater, FL (727) 734-6631

Oldsmar, FL (727) 263-0800


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Welcome to Bay Area Rheumatology

Our mission revolves around delivering top-notch care embedded with compassion and respect. Recognizing the profound impact rheumatological conditions can have on every facet of life—be it emotional well-being, financial health, familial bonds, or managing day-to-day activities—we pledge to offer services that address not just the clinical, but also the emotional and logistical challenges our patients face.

Our dedicated team of healthcare professionals are here to guide and support you at every turn, ensuring you receive the attention and treatment you deserve. With comprehensive rheumatology services available at our two strategically located offices in Clearwater, FL, and Oldsmar, FL, our goal is to enhance your function, mobility, and overall quality of life.

We take pride in our approach, which combine personalized treatment plans, education, and advocacy to manage and alleviate symptoms of rheumatic and connective tissue diseases. Our expert physicians are at the forefront of employing the latest, minimally invasive techniques right in our offices, while aiming to reduce pain and improve your well-being.

Our practice is dedicated to maintaining the privacy of your health information. We are required by law to maintain your confidentiality.

Get to know our team better by visiting our provider page, where you’ll find detailed information about each physician's expertise and approach to care.

Embark on a journey towards regaining control of your life, free from arthritis pain and other rheumatic conditions. To discover more about our services or schedule an appointment, please head to our contact us page and choose the most convenient location.